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خيارات التسجيل

Microsoft 365: Visio Advanced (2023): Venn Diagrams
الجدارات الفنية لإدارة المشاريع
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

الجدارات الفنية لإدارة المشاريع

Microsoft 365: Visio Advanced (2023): Venn Diagrams

In this course on Microsoft 365: Visio Advanced (2023) we will learn the use of themes in Visio 365 as well as using and creating themes in the desktop version of Visio. We will explore how a theme works and theme options between Visio 365 and Visio desktop. By the end of this course we will be able to adjust our flowchart themes to better reflect our branding.

التسجيل الذاتي (متدرب)